Here’s what’s coming up in the next week as we journey to Christmas morning:

Sunday, December 17
– Christmas Pageant presented by our kids (and thanks to our Sunday School teachers) during our 10 am. worship service in Rocky River.

Thursday, December 21– 7 p.m. in Lakewood.  The Light in the Darkness: A Service of Healing and Hope.  Worship and a healing rite that acknowledges that this season is difficult for those coping with the loss of a loved one, illness, broken relationships, addiction or economic stress. Come either for your own healing or to comfort others with your presence — and maybe both.

Sunday, December 24

– 10 a.m. in Lakewood. Worship marking the Fourth Sunday in Advent.
– 7 p.m. in Lakewood.  Christmas Eve with candlelight and communion.
– 11 p.m. in Rocky RIver.  Christmas Eve with candlelight and communion.

Monday, December 25
– 10 a.m. in Rocky River.  Christmas Morning Worship.  Come as you are as we rejoice and sing carols, hear scripture and receive communion.

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