Good Soil supports the work of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry. Good Soil awarded a $10,000 generosity grant toward LMM’s Breaking New Ground initiative and launched a dollar-for-dollar matching campaign up to an additional $10,000 toward this life-changing ministry! To watch a short video about Breaking New Ground and Good Soil’s involvement click here.
To read about Good Soil’s $10,000 generosity grant toward Breaking New Ground and our 1:1 matching campaign through the end of 2021, click here: Good Soil BNG Bulletin Insert 9.12.21.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM) is a 50 year-old non-profit providing innovative social enterprise job-training, civic engagement strategies and safety net services for the city of Cleveland and across northeastern Ohio. They operate programs that change lives, transform communities and enliven community engagement.
The mission of LMM is to promote shalom (peace, well-being) and justice (right relationships) through a Christian ministry of service and advocacy with those who are oppressed, forgotten, and hurting.