Every Monday evening in April, we’ll be screening and discussing a different documentary about ecological justice issues. Films start at 7 p.m. in the Lakewood Abbey, 16511 Hilliard Road, Lakewood. Light refreshments available.

April 1 – “An Inconvenient Sequel” (the sanctuary will also be open during this time, for “Thoughts & Prayers: A Centering Space”)
April 8 – “Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution”
April 15 – “Racing Extinction”
April 22 – “The Wisdom to Survive”
April 29 – “Wild Hope”

And join us on April 24 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary for our second annual “Blessing the Earthkeepers” service – prayers and readings celebrating and supporting the efforts of people who work for, volunteer for, or contribute to environmental and animal rescue organizations. There will be time for fellowship after the service; you are invited to bring information about organizations you work for or support to share with others.