Here’s what Holy Week at Good Soil looks like:

Palm Sunday (March 25)
Palm/Passion Sunday worship at 10 a.m. at the Rocky River campus, opening with a Palm Parade remembering Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, followed by reading of the story of Jesus’ last days woven into the worship service.  No Sunday School.

Maundy Thursday (March 29)
Worship at 7 p.m. in the chapel at the Lakewood campus.  We’ll gather around a table and share in Holy Communion as remember the Last Supper and Jesus’ mandate to love others as we love ourselves.  We’ll conclude by stripping altar as we move toward Good Friday.

Good Friday (March 30)
We gather at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary at the Lakewood campus for a Tenebrae service in which we’ll read scripture and hear poetry and literary exerpts as we ponder the last words of Christ on the cross, extinguishing candles as the sanctuary grows dark.

Holy Saturday (March 31)
Gather at 10 a.m. at the Rocky River Nature Center in the Cleveland Metroparks for a Holy Hike.

Easter Sunday (April 1)
We celebrate the resurrection of Christ with festival worship at 10 a.m. at the Rocky River campus, unveiling the banner our kids made in Sunday School before Lent began.  An Easter Egg hunt will follow on the church lawn.  No Sunday School.

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